For you all!
You have many thoughts on Zdzislaw suggestion. Many opinions hit now naturally one on the other.
For gummy bear:
The NSDAP was a pure German party. Hitler was not times the number 1 in this party. It was only made by this party. The party was created in the early 20's. To "affiliation" of Austria and Sudetenland naturally many went these compatriots also into this party.
Nun Stefan nur für dich, der Unterschied liegt in Nichtdeutsche und nicht deutsche Verbände.
Nichtdeutsch sind z.B. viele Verbände der Waffen-SS ( albanische,niederländische,belgische,kroatische usw.),
nicht deutsche Verbände sind die kroatische Armee, die ungarische,rumänische,bulgarische usw.
Sei mir nicht böse,aber so würde ich das definieren. Das heißt für mich, die bulgarische Armee im 2.WK unter bulgarische Flagge , aber die Division Handschar (kroatisch) unter deutscher Flagge.
For Artis:
Also Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian fought for the "Waffen SS". And also in other units. Humans in the Baltic states had probably also only the choice between Germany and the Soviet Union. Because independence was lost for these three states. Therefore I do not dare to judge itself also of the people. Fortunately is this all history.
Sad history!!!