Hi All
I am trying to prepare some rank charts for various services and countries and I have two questions (in general - in details it will be more)
1. How the English "brigadier" rank should be treated? Is it the highest rank of field grade officers (as the 3 stars/pips pattern suggest) or is it the lowest general rank (like French - General de brigade) ??
2. The question about police ranks. As I looked through Herrwiggly's drawings a lot of police force use the pattern which more or less follows the British one. Of course there are some variations like having two pips instead of three for the certain rank name etc. But .... There is also an American pattern presented here by Chris (whitch consist of some army-like insignia in various combinations). Those two can be compared more or less easy in a common rank chart. But there are some countries (ex. Poland, but also Bolivia or Argentina) where the police ranks follows the military rank system.
So please can anyone of you provide a cross-equivalent police rank system? Which police ranks in UK or US system can be treated as "company officers / field officers / general officers" I know that it can be difficult to understand my point for the people from countries where police was always a public service (with no relations to military), but believe me a lot of countries have police forces based on military-like organisation. In Poland even the proffessional fire brigade is based on military rank scheme and during communist era almost all uniformed services had ranks based on it. Similar situation you can see today in Rusian Federation which has a rank table for all services (see Michael K "gossluzhba" website). It has a long tradition in this part of Europe. It begun from the tsarist "tabel o rangah" which put civilian and military services in a single table of ranks (grades).
Waiting for any support