I found this Powerpoint Presentation on the new rank structure/ responsibilities in the Polish Army on the Web.
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Unfortunately my Polish is not very good. Can someone translate the meanings of:
Stanowiska Sztabowe
Pomocnik Dowodcy ds. Podoficerow
Szczebel Kompanii
d-ca druzyny
szef pododdzialu
I think the new structure for NCOs is as follows (slide 9 in the Powerpoint Presentation):
Plutonowy/ Sierzant (NATO: OR5/OR6) - second in command of a platoon
Starszy Sierzant (OR7) - Senior NCO in a Company
Mlodzny Chorazy (OR8) - Senior WO in a Battalion
Chorazy (OR8) - Senior WO in a (Polish: Pulk??)
Starszy Chorazy (OR8) - Senior WO in a Brigade or Division
Starszy Chorazy Sztabowy (OR9) - Senior WO in a corps or for the Polish Army
Grateful for help with the translation and interested to hear people's views. The roles of the four Warrant Officer (Chorazy) ranks appear to be those of a Command Sergeant Major in the US Army or a WO1 Regimental Sergeant Major in the British Army.