OK, finally I had the time to work on finishing the shoulder-knots for the dress uniforms. Inevitably, the designs have evolved a little and I have refined them as I have gone along but the basic concept remains unchanged.
The two major things I have played with have been (a) the positioning of the rank "squares" and (b) whether or not to use "knots" or plain "shoulder-straps" for the warrant and junior commissioned grades.
The problem with the squares was that, potentially, I had to fit up to SIX onto one epaulette - this meant I either had to make them very small if they were to appear in a single line (as on the cuffs and the patches) or I had to come up with an acceptable alternative. In the end, having played with placing some side-by-side in pairs, I have stuck with the linear approach and I think it looks best and continuity with the simplicity of the established pattern. I also considered turning the squares through 45 degrees so that they would "align" with the intersections of the woven braid of the knots - but that just didn't sit well with the cuff designs and patches so I abandoned that idea. The squares are edged silver on gold knots and vice versa.
The knots vs. plain straps was more difficult; the original idea from Miklós was that these should be of a German style, which suggests plainer straps for the junior grades, but somehow I had always imaged having the inerwoven knots for all the grades, just in varying proportions of coloured lace to bullion lace (silver or gold) depending upon the seniority of grade.
In the end, I drew full versions of each design - and I still liked them both, so I have compromised by using both versions! In essence, the plain straps would be used on the plainer version of the dress uniform (i.e. without the coloured belt or hat bands) and the full knots would be used only if the full, ceremonial version of the dress uniform is worn (with all the other embellishments). Flag grades and the other senior grades would wear appropriate full knots at all times when in dress uniform.
Note that the enlisted grades have grey straps with blue lace (blue lace on blue straps for the senior grades).
The dress uniform shoulder insignia:
The full ceremonial shoulder insignia:
Finally a quick updated chart showing how these would appear for specialist staff:
In this case, I have shown the straps for the junior commissioned grades the warrant grades. Another alternative option would be to use the two designs together: coloured knots with gold centre-lace for junior officers and silver billion plain straps for warrant officers. The junior enlisted specialists have blue lace on grey straps and the senior enlisted grades have specialty-coloured straps with blue lace and all specialists have specialty-coloured squares with gold or silver edging as appropriate.
All I need to do now are the working dress variants...!!
[Edited to update content.]