International Encyclopedia of Uniform Insignia
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Chuck Anderson
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SECCESSONIST Nations (Map and Flag----OGADEN)

Hi Everyone!

Since we're doing so well with Quebec, I thought that I'd provide some basic material on other secessionist nations, for the purpose of drawing more hypothetical insignia charts.

These are all real-life secessionist movements that could one day develop into actual, legitimate nations.

You might even wish to give a plausible backstory (to go along with your insignia charts)concerning these nations.

You can also (if you wish), contact these various nations to show them your insignia ideas for their future armed forces. One good contact source is through the UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation) website.

Presented here is the national flag (as well as a map) of the OGADEN region of Ethiopia.

Please feel free to contribute your own ideas as to what the insignia of rank of their armed forces might look like (should the OGADEN region gain their independence from Ethiopia.)

OGADEN National Army
OGADEN Air Force
OGADEN National Police

I'll be providing more information (in subsequent posts) on other secessionist movements.

Chuck Anderson
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Ogaden Flag and Map.png
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Re: SECCESSONIST Nations (Map and Flag----OGADEN)

Having taken a quick look at the situation, I'm supposed to be doing school work, I see that they are predominantly Somali. I guess I am not very creative because I see them essentially adopting Somali style insignia.

I would leave out an air force as way beyond their means, but I'll work on police, which should be the same but in blue/silver.
Ogaden Republic
Ogaden Republic