International Encyclopedia of Uniform Insignia
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eliminating colonel

Recently, I was watching Colonel Douglas McGregor on you tube, and he suggested eliminating the colonel rank in order to get younger men into the General officer ranks.
I also note that Australia is no longer promoting anyone to the Staff Sergeant rank. This is being done in order to allow for a private proficient appointment.
Does this inspire anyone to comment or create alternative rank insignia.
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Re: eliminating colonel

With all due respect to the good colonel, I'm not so sure that eliminating colonel just to get more (relatively) young guys into the general ranks is a good idea. If the idea was to streamline the rank and pay system--now there he might be making some sence. Smitty, do you have the link to that YouTube video? I was going to watch it but it seems there are a bajillion videos with COL McGregor in them so the idea of going through them all makes it a nonstarter.

Also, I looked up some info on the Australian Army's policy of promoting guys directly from sergeant to WOII. I found one blurb that stated that staff sergeant is now redundant and no longer awarded which I thought interesting. It seems more likely that the Army was bringing itself more in line with its sister services, in the sense that with staff sergeant out of the way the services' rank systems line up more evenly.